Grenada Chocolate Company Ltd. was founded in 1999 by Mott Green, Doug Browne und Edmond Brown and is most proud of the fact, that it was the first ever "Farm-To-Bar" chocolates makers in the world.

Raised in New York, Mott Green (born David Lawrence Friedman) moved to Grenada in the mid-1990's, after falling in love with the "vibe" of the locals. He made the remote village of Hermitage, St. Patrick his home, where he lived in a self-made, solar-powered bamboo hut.
It was his love for local cocoa tea that brought him closer to the villagers and by extension the cocoa farmers in the area.
Mott quickly got to understand the plight of the local cocoa farmers - declining cocoa production, no possibility to process the beans themselves, no means to produce value-added products and the pittances from the local cooperative. Many farmers had no other alternative than to let their ripe cocoa pods remain on the trees and rot. Determined to improve the living conditions of cocoa farmers, his vision of "Tree To Bar"-Chocolate in Grenada was born.
Mott moved to San Francisco, where he and co-founder Doug Browne trained to become chocolatiers. The two overhauled old European grinders from the early 1900s and taught themselves how to make chocolate.
On returning to Grenada Mott and Doug set out to completely revolutionize the cocoa industrie on the island.
"The entire village produces a bar of our chocolate."
Mott Green (1966-2013)

Mott founded the Grenada Organic Cocoa Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd. and Grenada Chocolate Company together with Doug Browne and Edmond Brown, becoming the first chocolate producers on the island and making the entire production a mutually beneficial community affair.
He taught the local farmers how to roast and grind their cocoa beans and how to make chocolate from them.
He paid them EC $1,50 per pound more than the local co-operative for their unprocessed beans.
Today, the co-operative consists of 12 cocoa farms with a combined area of about 100 hectars of cocoa.
Fine . Organic . Fair
Today The Grenada Chocolate Company produces six different types of organic, fairtrade dark chocolates as well several other cocoa products.

CO2 - Neutral . Sustainable

The Grenada Chocolate Company can also boast that their chocolate production is largely CO2-Neutral and sustainable. Their machinery has been re-designed and is now mostly solar powered.
In 2012 The Grenada Chocolate Company send 22,000 bars of chocolates to Europe aboard the dutch sailing vessel Brigantine Tres Hombres, where anxious cyclists waited in Amsterdam to voluntarily distribute the shipment.
Welcome to The Grenada Chocolate Company